Agent and Service API

Agent and Service Creation using APIs


This example gives details on how to create Agents and respective Agent Functions in Agentverse using APIs. we will demonstrate Python script that interacts with Agentverse and help us creating Agents and Agent Functions.


  • Before you begin, ensure you have the following:

Steps to get API Tokens

  • Go to Profile section in Agentverse ↗️ (opens in a new tab).
  • Click on button + New API Key.
  • Give name to your API key.
  • Click on write for Access to all resources in Agentverse and click on Generate API Key

Steps to create agent and respective service

  • Open terminal and create a directory agents using mkdir agents.
  • Create a python file in this directory and include the following sample script in the Python file.
import requests
import json
from ai_engine import UAgentResponse, UAgentResponseType
class Coordinates(Model):
    location : str
location_protocol = Protocol("Location Coordinates")
async def location_coordinates(latitude, longitude):
    url = ""
    querystring = {"lat": latitude,"lon":longitude}
    headers = {
        "X-RapidAPI-Key": "YOUR_API_KEY",
        "X-RapidAPI-Host": ""
    response = requests.get(url, headers=headers, params=querystring)
    data = response.json()[0]['name']
    return data
@location_protocol.on_message(model=Coordinates, replies = UAgentResponse)
async def location_coordinates_calculator(ctx: Context, sender: str, msg: Coordinates):
    latitude, longitude = map(str.strip, msg.location.split(','))
    city = location_coordinates(latitude, longitude)
    message = city
    await ctx.send(sender, UAgentResponse(message = message, type = UAgentResponseType.FINAL))
  • Create a python file with name

Script breakdown

  • Importing required libraries and setting up authorization token
# Importing Required libraries
import time
import requests
# Define access token
token = 'Bearer <Your_access_token>'  
  • Taking agent Name from user and storing agent address
# Take name of agent from user
name = input('Please give name of your agent? ')
# Create payload for agent creation request
agent_creation_data = {
    "name": name
# Post request to create an agent and store address
response_agent ="", json=agent_creation_data, headers={
    "Authorization": token
address = response_agent['address']
print(f'Agent Address : {address}')
  • Taking code from file and storing it as created agent script.
# Reading code to be placed in agent
with open('', 'r') as file:
    code =
agent_code_data = {
    "code": code
    # Creating script for created agent
    response_code_update = requests.put(f"{address}/code", json=agent_code_data, headers={
        "Authorization": token
# Starting the agent"{address}/start", headers={
    "Authorization": token
time.sleep(10) # waiting before getting agent's protocol
  • Requesting protocol digest for the created Agent
# Request to get agent protocol digest
response_protcol = requests.get(f"{address}", headers={
    "Authorization": token
protocol_digest = response_protcol.json()['protocols'][1]
print(f'Protocol Digest : {protocol_digest}')
time.sleep(10) # Waiting before getting model_digest
  • Request model digest and name using almanac API
# Request to get agent's model details
response_model = requests.get(f"{protocol_digest}", headers={
    "Authorization": token
model = response_model.json()['models']
time.sleep(10) # Waiting before storing details to create services
  • Saving all the details required for creating service and creating service on basis of details received
# Taking inputs from user for details required to create a service
name_service = input('Please give service name')
description = input('Please enter service description')
field_name = input('Please enter field name')
field_description = input('Please enter field description')
tasktype = input('Please tell task or subtask')
# Logging details provided by user
print(f'Service name: {name_service} \nService Description: {description} \nField Name: {field_name}\nField Description: {field_description}\nTask Type: {tasktype}')
# Storing model digest and name to be used for service creation
model_digest = response_model.json()['interactions'][0]['request'].replace('model:', '')
print(f'Model Digest : {model_digest}')
model_name = model[0]['schema']['title']
print(f'Model Name : {model_name}')
# Creating payload for service creation
data = {
    "agent": address,
    "name": name_service,
    "description": description,
    "protocolDigest": protocol_digest,
    "modelDigest": model_digest,
    "modelName": model_name,
    "fields": [
            "required": True,
            "field_type": "string",
            "description": field_description
    "taskType": tasktype
# Requesting AI Engine services API to create a service with created payload and storing the response.
response_service ="", json=data, headers={
    "Authorization": token
# Storing name of serive and printing it to check if service was created successfully
name = response_service.json()['name']
print(f'Service Created with name: {name}')

Whole Script

# Importing Required libraries
import time
import requests
# Decode the refresh token
token = f'Bearer <Your_access_token>'
# Take name of agent from user
name = input('Please give name of your agent? ')
# Create payload for agent creation request
agent_creation_data = {
    "name": name
# Post request to create an agent and store address
response_agent ="", json=agent_creation_data, headers={"Authorization": token}).json()
address = response_agent['address']
print(f'Agent Address : {address}')
 # Reading code to be placed in agent
with open('', 'r') as file:
    code =
agent_code_data = {
    "code": code
# Creating script for created agent
response_code_update = requests.put(f"{address}/code", json=agent_code_data, headers={"Authorization": token})
# Starting the agent"{address}/start", headers={"Authorization": token})
time.sleep(10) # waiting before getting agent's protocol
# Request to get agent protocol digest
response_protcol = requests.get(f"{address}", headers={"Authorization": token})
protocol_digest = response_protcol.json()['protocols'][1]
print(f'Protocol Digest : {protocol_digest}')
time.sleep(10) # Waiting before getting model_digest
# Request to get agent's model details
response_model = requests.get(f"{protocol_digest}", headers={"Authorization": token})
model = response_model.json()['models']
time.sleep(10) # Waiting before storing details to create services
# Taking inputs from user for details required to create a service
name_service = input('Please give service name')
description = input('Please enter service description')
field_name = input('Please enter field name')
field_description = input('Please enter field description')
tasktype = input('Please tell task or subtask')
# Logging details provided by user
print(f'Service name: {name_service} \nService Description: {description} \nField Name: {field_name}\nField Description: {field_description}\nTask Type: {tasktype}')
# Storing model digest and name to be used for service creation
model_digest = response_model.json()['interactions'][0]['request'].replace('model:', '')
print(f'Model Digest : {model_digest}')
model_name = model[0]['schema']['title']
print(f'Model Name : {model_name}')
# Creating payload for service creation
data = {
    "agent": address,
    "name": name_service,
    "description": description,
    "protocolDigest": protocol_digest,
    "modelDigest": model_digest,
    "modelName": model_name,
    "fields": [
            "required": True,
            "field_type": "string",
            "description": field_description
    "taskType": tasktype
# Requesting AI Engine services API to create a service with created payload and storing the response.
response_service ="", json=data, headers={
    "Authorization": token
# Storing name of serive and printing it to check if service was created successfully
name = response_service.json()['name']
print(f'Service Created with name: {name}')    

Steps to run the script

  1. Open terminal and go to directory agents created above.
  2. Make sure and are in this directory.
  3. Open Agentverse ↗️ (opens in a new tab) and generate API keys.
  4. Open script in editor and replace token.
  5. Run command python and enter the required details.
  6. Provide Agent and Service Details as asked and check agent and service on Agentverse.

Expected Output

  • Provide all details asked in the script.

  • Agent created on Agentverse

  • Service created on Agentverse

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